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Dec 31, 2021

As the lights are about to shine bright this New Year's Eve, we end the story of the standards war by shedding a bit more light on the two biggest players in the battle: Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse. These are two fascinating men in a story that left its mark on history.


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Dec 30, 2021

Wait until you hear what transpired with Harold Turner and his electrical experiments in the late 1800s. It was tough to read about, but it's a piece of history that does indeed exist. Turner's objective was clear: Prove DC current was better and safer than AC. By way of these experiments and by attaching AC to death...

Dec 30, 2021

Chef Jonny Mac gives an up-close view of battling through the pandemic, even as his company’s stores re-enter shutdowns and restrictions. He and Spanny discuss clinging to high values in the face of confusion, disagreements and no-win situations. In inspiring fashion, Jonny is aiming for wisdom, kindness and...

Dec 29, 2021

Today we meet two additional players in the early years of electricity: Nikola Tesla (no relation to the Tesla car as far as I know) and George Westinghouse. These two would come to evolve and develop the alternative to Edison's DC current, AC, or alternating current. This is where the war really starts to heat...

Dec 28, 2021

Santa brought me a handful of kids' books this year, and this is one of them. The Rock is a steady source of inspiration and motivation for me, especially since I stopped fighting and looked to build another career. On today's episode, you'll get a quick glance as his life journey, one that centers on his work...