Aug 31, 2020
"Down to Earth" on Netflix got me interested in learning more from Darin Olien, and, fortunately, he has written a book. This week, we take a look at his book, "Superlife", and what he calls "the five life forces" that can lead us to a "healthy, fit, and eternally awesome life." Yup, I'm in!
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Aug 28, 2020
This has been an incredibly fun book to talk about, and today we say goodbye to The Greatest Salesman with lessons on multiplying one's value, action and asking for the right type of guidance.
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Aug 27, 2020
Today's scrolls speak to the importance of mastering one's emotions and not taking things (ourselves included) too seriously - remaining steadfast in one's pursuits while retaining the wonder and magic of being a kid.
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Aug 27, 2020
At age 37, this episode’s guest calls himself ”Old Man Luna.” That’s compared to his fellow new members of the National Guard—and even some of his drill instructors. Episode 236 went into Frank Luna’s late-breaking decision to enter the military. Now he returns to describe his training, including why...
Aug 26, 2020
Today's episode (and scrolls) is filled with lessons on embracing your uniqueness and seizing each and every day.
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